Our dna is to provide our clients the most precise & innovative RH management solutions.
Our dna is to provide our clients the most precise & innovative RH management solutions.
We strive to answer their needs precisely. We developped a software with 5 modules (Leave Management, Project Management, HR Portal, Expense Management, Attendance Management and scheduling). We attempt daily to answer our partners’ problems. Our ambition : To offer the best solution to manage your company. We continually improve collectivelly and individually.
Each company has a different way to manage their time and their employees. Each business has different ways of functioning. We offer a process for each. Consenquently, we first define the companies needs and then we offer solutions customized to their issues.
Our clients and our solutions are constantly developping. Their needs change. We adjust our software to their developpements. Adaptibility is necessary and is our strength. We take into consideration our partners’ specificity and industry to offer them the best service. Our specialists come to your office regularly to meet your team in order to have a better grasp of their activity. Their recommendations include the setup of the tool. The proximity is vital and we want to keep it.
A votre écoute depuis de nombreuses années, nous avons compris que chaque entreprise a ses propres problématiques métiers.
C’est pourquoi e2Time.com conçoit pour vous des solutions de gestion RH précises et innovantes qui répondent à tous.
9 rue de Rosny, 93100 Montreuil
Métro : Ligne 9 Mairie de Montreuil
Lundi - jeudi : 9h à 12h / 14h à 18h
Vendredi : 9h à 12h / 14h à 17h
At your disposal for many years, we understand that each company has its own business problems.
That’s why e2Time.com designs for you precise and innovative HR management solutions that meet all : leave and absences, attendance and schedules, HR Portal, expense management, project management
+33 (0)
9 rue de Rosny, 93100 Montreuil
Subway : Line 9 Mairie de Montreuil
Monday - Thursday :
9.am to 12.am / 2.pm to 6.pm
Friday : 9.am to 12.am / 2.pm to 5.pm
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