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notes de frais
Expense management

Your expense notes online and smartphone

notes de frais
Expense Management

Your expense notes online and smartphone

Your expense reports quickly refund

A simplified expense claim processing

Simplifying your life at the office

Entering the expenses is always long and tedious for the employee, for the employer and for the accounting department. Thanks to our online expense account management software your office life is simpler.

Everything is straighforward with e2Time.com ! Within companies expense account management is complicated and employees can sometimes dread them ! A lot are not justified, not taken into account and lost.

No more Excel and paper filled out by employees, e2Time.com offers an effective solution to deal with your expense account management.

Master your budget

Dematerialize your expense management system 





No more lost receipts!

Your employees have all tried a solution to avoid losing their expense receipts: plastic pocket, wallet, glove box… Unfortunately, this does not prevent them from losing them. And therein lies the problem. How do you recover these expense reports? Yet you are clear on this subject, no ticket, no reimbursement!

Instead, opt for an online expense report management software.


Simplifying your life at the office


Archiving with probative value

Get rid of your bills tickets! With probative archiving, you don’t need to clutter yourself with your expense notes. Process your expense notes in the e2Time.com tool and activate the archiving option at probative value…


Calculation of kilometric costs

Apply the legal barometer or define your own barometers in your expense management software, e2Time.com automatically calculates your kilometric costs. Your tool integrates the Google Maps API and calculates routes and kilometric allowances. A reliable and immediate calculation!

RH : Du temps pour vous et vos collaborateurs

Your proxy expense notes

You do not have time to process your expense notes or you are not available to do so? No problem! e2Time.com offers you the opportunity to define a collaborator who can, for you, process your expense notes. The expense notes will be processed and sent to the validator. Once the expense memo is validated, the expense will be sent directly to the payroll items.

Expense Management with e2Time.com

Finish Excel files, manage your online expense notes

  • Archiving with probative value
  • Automatic calculation of routes and kilometric costs
  • Automatic recovery of currencies via the ECB
  • Entries by proxy
  • Guest management spending limits customisable by pole of expenditure
  • Customizable validation workflow
  • Notifications, alerts for requests, validations, or refusals
  • Deduction of restaurant tickets
  • Multi-format export to your payroll and accounting software
Expense Management

Master your budgets!

Better manage your employees’ expense reporting with automatization expense account expense management. When an employee reports an expense, the manager is directly informed by email containing a reimbursement claim. Your data is easily accessible and you can monitor your budget

Reduce the expense account process :

  • Simplify the input of the expenses
  • Follow in real time the expenses’ validation
  • Cut out mistakes Centralize the data
  • Expense reports per expenditure item
  • Different spending limits per population
Expense Management

No need for accountants to manage expenses!

The expense notes are subject to specific processing by the accounting department. Travel expenses, travel, missions, receptions, accountants need an effective solution

Expense account management mode, is also :

  • Automatic calculation of VAT
  • Exporting data into Excel or PDF
  • Expense archiving
  • Exporting data to your accounting software
  • Automatic exchange rate (European Central Bank)
  • Increase of spending limit per day and per guest … and many more !
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